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Children’s and youth environmental education conference “ECO-LOGIA”

  • Date of the event
    11.10.2022 - 11.10.2022
  • The time of the event
    10:00 - 20:00
  • Organizer
    Department of nature management and environmental protection of the city of Moscow

About event

Broadcast recording



About the Project

We are already seeing a trend where young people are increasingly trusted to solve important government tasks. In the near future, the youth and children who are now studying in universities and schools will make key economic and political decisions. Therefore, the formation of a worldview among the younger generation, which includes not only economic, but also ethical principles of life support, inextricably linked with a creative attitude towards the environment and an understanding of the personal contribution of each person to respect for nature, is the most important task of our time.

The main goal of the Conference is the desire of its curators to draw public attention to the issues of environmental education and enlightenment among children and youth. Its tasks include the need to establish an open dialogue between adults and children on environmental issues of particular interest to all participants; provide an opportunity for an open presentation with a report by young researchers who have achieved success in research, environmental, design, local history, and creative activities; to establish interaction and exchange of experience among participants in various festival and environmental movements, circles, centers in Moscow and regions; get interaction and curatorial support from the country’s leading experts in the field of environmental protection and ecology.


The objectives of the conference include the need to establish an open dialogue between adults and children on environmental issues of particular interest to all participants theme

Provide an open presentation by young researchers who have made progress in research, environmental, project, local history, creative activities

To establish interaction and exchange of experience between participants in various festival and environmental movements, circles, centers in Moscow and regions

Get interaction and curatorial support from the nation’s leading conservation and ecology experts


The objectives of the conference include the need to establish an open dialogue between adults and children on issues of particular interest to all participants on environmental topics

To provide an opportunity for an open presentation with a report by young researchers who have achieved success in research, environmental, design, local history, and creative activities

To establish interaction and exchange of experience among participants in various festival and environmental movements, circles, centers in Moscow and regions

Get interaction and curatorial support from the country’s leading experts in the field of environmental protection and ecology


We believe that the upcoming meeting of generations and discussions will lead to an understanding of the work already done and outline vectors and prospects for further development in the field of environmental protection.


Oksana Fedorova

Miss Universe, President of the Oksana Fedorova Foundation, TV presenter, public figure, Moscow

Tatyana Potapova

Doctor of Biological Sciences with a degree in Biophysics, Leading Researcher at the Department of Mathematical Methods in Biology, A.N. Belozersky Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Author of 88 scientific articles, as well as 98 radio scripts (1975-1986 “Visiting Professor Chuck”) and 20 TV scripts (1970-1990 “Obvious — Incredible”, “Live, Earth”, “Ecological boomerang”). From 1995 to 2011 — Member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature; from 1998 to 2000 — head of the section “Ecological outlook” of the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia. In 1999–2012 supervised the urban experimental sites of the Moscow Education Committee on the topic “Kindergarten — the standard of environmental culture.” At present, he is the scientific director of the special educational program of the Research Institute of FCB named after A.N. Belozersky Moscow State University “Man and Nature. First steps.”

Dushkova Alena Vladimirovna

Pedagogical University TF SSPU majoring in philology.

Since 2013, he has been working in the environmental industry for the full cycle of waste management.

He is the director for social projects of the EkoVoz group of companies, as well as the chairman of the public council of the federal party project “Clean Country” in the Samara region.

Alexey Balabanov

Graduated from OmGUPS.

Author of corporate trainings for companies.

Working in various companies organizing and conducting seminars.

Participant in international forums and round tables in the field of marketing, participant in the trainings “Public Speaking Skills and Rules for Making Presentations”, “Training for Mentors”, a specialist in presentations and public speaking.

Natalya Viktorovna Kozlovskaya

Chief editor of the guide to children’s and teenage books “Biblioguide”.

Head of the recommendatory bibliography section of the Center for Bibliography of Children’s Literature of the Russian State Library for Children’s Literature.

He loves good children’s books and shares his discovery with friends, with readers of the Russian Children’s Library.

Elena Ivanova

Head of the Laboratory of Educational Infrastructures, Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education, MSPU (Moscow City Pedagogical University).

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor.

Program manager. Master’s Degree: Design and Design of Educational Environment.

Valentin Volkov

Graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov Faculty of Geology in 1978, since 1986 has been dealing with environmental problems. Since 2005, he has been working in the system of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow. The main interests are general ecology, ornithology, botany. He taught a course in general ecology, landscape planning, industrial ecology, environmental management, labor protection at the Moscow State University of Technology and Management.

Tipikina Tamara Ivanovna

Teacher of biology in GBOU secondary school “Ots” p. Rich. Has the highest qualification category. Teaching experience — thirty-seven years. Education: Kuibyshev Cooperative College and Samara Pedagogical Institute. V.V. Kuibyshev.

Tamara Ivanovna skillfully activates creativity