All-Russian Ecological dictation “EcoTalk”

  • Date of the event
    10.09.2022 - 17.09.2022
  • The time of the event
    09:00 - 18:00

About event

From 10 to september 17 under the motto “Sustainability starts with you”.

The questions of this year’s dictation touch upon the main goals of sustainable development: improving the quality of life of people, thanks to the creation of a recycling system in Russia, the development of the Arctic territories, raising environmental awareness and popularizing the profession of an ecologist.

Everyone can take part in environmental dictation, regardless of place of residence: you need to create a personal account on website during 10 −17 September and pass the test. Dictation personal account is available in three languages: Russian, English and Chinese.

To participate in the dictation, sites of educational institutions from all regions of Russia, in Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics, in Côte d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Egypt, China, Lebanon and Qatar have already been registered. Rosmorport and Central Design Bureau “ICEBERG” have announced their intention to involve their employees in environmental education.

The flagship offline meeting of ecodictant participants will be held on September 16 at the RKhTU named after M. DI. Mendeleev. Representatives of ministries of the Russian Federation, public organizations, the State Duma, the Public Chamber and students of higher educational institutions will write a dictation together with all regions of the country.

In addition, EcoTalk will traditionally take place on several “unusual” sites: on nuclear icebreakers, in Kislovodsk National Park, in Sapsan trains and “Swallow” and even in orbit. Event organizers — Foundation for the Support and Development of Environmental Initiatives “KOMPAS”, Association of Citizens and Organizations for the Promotion of the Development of Environmental Education and Enlightenment “EkoTolk”, Fyodor Konyukhov’s Charitable Foundation “Green Planet”. Eco-testing is carried out within the framework of the party project “Clean Country”.