A leader in climate development

Самый крупный лидер страны

  • Date of the event
    01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024
  • The time of the event
    09:00 - 22:00
  • Address №1
    Ул. Пушкина, дом Калатушкина
  • Address №2
    Ул. Лермонтова, дом 13
  • Organizer
    Крутой Организатор

About event

For four years now, the Moscow City Government has been holding the Climate Development Leader Contest.

The idea of the contest is to find and popularize the best implemented projects in the field of resource conservation, preservation of natural heritage, creation of environmentally friendly urban environment, development of technologies for modern cities, environmental education.

The contest is held in 6 categories:

  • Environment and business: environmental projects of companies in Russia
  • Ecology and society: responsible consumption
  • Ecology and information: ecological education and information
  • Ecology and innovations: technologies that change the world
  • Ecology and the city: ecological projects in the sphere of territorial development
  • Environment and children: children's projects in the field of ecology.

The competition is held among environmental projects already implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main selection criteria will be the effectiveness and usefulness of the implemented projects for citizens.

Participants of the contest are: companies and corporations, public organizations and NGOs, scientific and educational institutions, project organizations, mass media, administration of the RF subjects and municipal formations, private persons (students of educational institutions) and young entrepreneurs.

Final date for entries is November 17, 2021.

The authoritative jury of the Contest will determine the winners or a group of winners.

Announcement of results and awarding ceremony will be held in November 2021.

Applications to take part in the competition are accepted on the platform climate2021.ru.

Hurry up, we are waiting for YOUR application.

The organizer of the competition is the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow.

Location of the event

  • Location of the event

    классная точка
    Ул. Пушкина, дом Калатушкина
    вторая точка
    Ул. Лермонтова, дом 13
  • How to get there

    • Ул. Пушкина, дом Калатушкина 5

  • Entry rules

    Правила входа очень просты, надо пройти пикчу с роботом


  • Главред
  • руководитель
    Кульбачевский Антон Олегович
  • Президент
    Анастасия Попова
  • Партнёр
    Владимир Лукин
  • Заведующий кафедрой экономики природопользования
    Сергей Бобылев
  • Руководитель направления Устойчивого развития ДОМ.РФ
    Евгения Либефорт
  • Директор углеродных проектов
    Елена Депова
  • Начальник управления экологической политики
    Кравцова Екатерина


  • 15000
    Москва, ул. Крымский Вал, 9, Павильон Московских центральных диаметров