“Aluminium sector goes ’green’ in a tough scenario”


Photo by: Leon Harris / iStock

A year ago, at the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow, the International Aluminium Institute presented a roadmap for the aluminium sector updated to the so-called “1.5 °C scenario”, a scenario that ensures that the global economy would not rise above 1.5 °C, whereas the previous conventional scenario was limited to 2 °C.

RUSAL has taken this tougher scenario into account when working on its own climate strategy, whose publicly stated goal is to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions and removals across the entire perimeter of the company’s operations no later than 2050.

A particular focus of this 2030 climate strategy is to reduce the company’s carbon footprint, such as improving energy efficiency in the alumina division, moving electrolysis production to a new generation of fired and subsequently inert anodes, and integrating secondary (recycled) aluminium into the closed economic cycle.

Cover photo: ozgurdonmaz /iStoc
