“Business is hampered by instability in the global economy and politics”


Photo by: aldomurillo / iStock

Sustainable business development around the world is hampered by a lack of stability, which is occasionally disrupted by crises in the economy, global politics and the social sphere.

We are now in a new economic environment with the imposition of sanctions, particularly against large Russian businesses. We are seeing a shocking change in supply chains and a reorientation of companies towards new markets. There is no doubt that business will cope with these challenges one way or another, but to do so, companies are focusing on solving immediate problems, while the topic of decarbonisation is an agenda with a 30+ year planning horizon.

Nevertheless, all major companies realise that they need to be sustainable in the long term to remain competitive. It’s about implementing a sustainability strategy and many other measures to help businesses transition to ’sustainable’.

Cover photo: IPGGutenbergUKLtd / iStock
