“Businesses are hindered from becoming sustainable by fear of change and staff shortages”


Photo by: Vlad Dmytrenko / iStock

When talking about what prevents our businesses from being sustainable, we can draw the analogy of an old house that it is time to tear down and build a new one in its place. But not everyone is ready to step out of their comfort zone, because it is hard, scary and requires significant expense overnight. However, new construction is necessary, because the old house will not be functional.

Another important point is the difficulties with staffing capacity. Right now, engineering and technical staff with a higher technical education, for example in the timber industry, in the regions receive around 40,000 roubles, whereas a Yandex.Food courier in Moscow can get as much as 200,000 roubles.

As a result, qualified specialists are faced with the question of where to go to work. And, as a rule, large manufacturing companies are located outside large cities, which further reduces the attractiveness of such work, apart from salaries. This stops the development of any business. And this problem is characteristic not only of Russia, but also of Europe.

This is why any business owner must be not only an entrepreneur but also a competent infrastructure builder. It is not a coincidence that the Urals metallurgists invest huge money into the development of towns near their factories, creating a comfortable environment there, motivating people to train and apply their skills in their native land.

Cover photo: iStock
