“The immediate global problem is the world’s growing water scarcity”


Photo by: Favor_of_God / iStock

An important climate issue for Russia is the issue of permafrost, which occupies almost two-thirds of the country. Its thawing could create significant problems.

Another significant problem is forest fires, which cause damage to carbon potential, property, and human life and health.

A third problem is more related to potential drought, aridisation and soil erosion in the southern regions of the country, which are the breadbasket of agriculture. So far Russia has had a good harvest, but climatologists anticipate that the warming line could move several hundred kilometres in the future, placing all southern regions in a dry climate zone, which could be detrimental to food security.

Around the world, climate change is also happening very rapidly. Europe, for example, has not had a summer as hot as this year’s for 500 years. Meanwhile, the biggest blow in terms of the global consequences of climate change in the future will fall on Africa and south-east Asia.

But the most immediate global problem is a dramatic increase in global water scarcity. During the pandemic, we were told it was important to wash our hands as often as possible, but now, according to UN estimates, 3 billion people have a large shortage of drinking water or no water at all. This is a very serious issue because people can live for quite a long time without food, but not without water. The projected increase in the number of migrants and climate change can only worsen the situation.

Cover photo: Dennis Diatel Photography / iStock
