“To ’green’ the economy, we need to improve the skills of officials”


Photo from: press service of the State Duma

The Russian economy has not yet become “green”. But movement in this direction is objectively underway. It’s just that not enough time has passed yet to achieve this goal. In order to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, various incentive programmes are needed at the state level. A good example is the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which gave a discount to those who took advantage of the car junk collection programme. This was a programme that was essentially a win-win system, with everybody winning. The population had an opportunity to hand in their old cars and get a discount on the purchase of a new one, which in turn provided opportunities for the auto industry to sell their products to car dealerships and service companies, companies collecting scrap ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals, recyclers of other types of waste (batteries, catalysts, glass, oils, wood and so on).

Upgrading the qualifications of officials at all levels is of fundamental importance. Not only the Ministry of Nature Protection, but also the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Internal Affairs and other state bodies should know about the laws of cyclic economy. Otherwise, the lack of this knowledge will have a negative impact on the quality of their management and other decisions.

Cover photo: press service of the State Duma
