“A shortage of staff and expertise prevents businesses from being sustainable”


Photo by: Austin Distel / Unsplash

What prevents a business from being sustainable? There are many factors. First, companies that set ambitious goals may lack the human as well as the financial resources to become or remain sustainable in the next round of turbulence. In particular, the lack of expertise and skilled human resources in sustainability can indeed make a big difference in the transition to operating according to new principles.

Secondly, the ability to transition to sustainable business is also affected by the region and territory in which a company operates. This raises the issue of leadership and priorities. For example, if a company’s leadership does not see value in sustainable programmes, this attitude will translate to the rest of the workforce and be reflected in their future work.

A consumer’s attitude towards the sustainable agenda and their interest in the products of sustainability companies is not unimportant. If consumers don’t want products that reduce their environmental footprint in some way, businesses, despite all their years of effort, may end up losing interest in the transition. And these points are true not only for Russia, but also for other countries.

In addition, external circumstances often interfere in the process, which are difficult to influence and make noticeable adjustments to the timing of new projects. As a result, it is not always possible to implement new mitigation projects on the scale originally planned.

Cover photo: Raj Rana / Unsplash
