“A single national sustainability standard is needed for second- and third-tier companies”


Photo by: Marcin Jozwiak / iStock

All major Russian corporations, including United Company RUSAL, have long ago acquired their own methodologies for assessing business sustainability. Their criteria are used primarily to assess the ESG maturity of existing and potential suppliers and counterparties, to assess the risks associated with their activities and to form action plans aimed at preventing or minimising such risks.

A single national standard in this area is necessary for second- and third-tier companies in order to facilitate their inclusion in the ESG-transformation process, the “green transition”. And in this case the standard will concern the so-called corporate perimeter, the whole operational activity of a particular enterprise. The draft concept of such a standard is now being discussed by the experts of the National ESG-Alliance.

A separate national standard is needed also for evaluation of ESG-characteristics of a particular product or service, product brand. A draft of such a Green Brand standard has now been prepared by Roskachestvo and is being actively discussed in the business community.

Cover photo: Dejan Marjanovic / iStock
