Photo: “Green Driver” / VK

As an eco-blogger with 30,000 social media followers, I can say that there are more and more eco-influencers promoting the environmental agenda every year. This can be explained by the fact that one way to educate people about the environment is to promote initiatives on social networks.

In addition, eco-blogging can generate income: one of my services is to post social media posts about brands’ eco-initiatives and to promote personally tested eco-products.

In spring this year my company Green Driver developed the concept of a young eco-bloggers’ studio for 12-year-olds organised by Detsky Mir and the Meine Liebe brand and implemented it. For three months, children were taught how to create and run their own eco-blog, then they created their own social networks, and the winners were awarded prizes. Around 700 children from all over Russia took part in the project.

Cover photo: “Green Driver” / VK
