Photo by: Halfpoint / iStock

Russia has a system of national standards, which is handled by Rosstandart. Some of them are borrowed from international practices — right now one of such standards is being adapted to the Russian market.

Broadly speaking, the national standard is shaped by regulations that have been actively adopted in the past year. For example, the national taxonomy for promising green and adaptation projects developed by VEB.RF and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation was adopted in autumn 2021.

The Central Bank has issued several important letters, clarifications and recommendations on the climate agenda and sustainable development in the past year. All of these documents in themselves create a national framework.

Perhaps all of these materials should be combined into a single document, so that small and medium-sized businesses can be guided by these principles. Large businesses already have this in place. “Rusal and Nornickel, for example, have long been working according to international and Russian ESG standards.

My dream is to assemble all the most valuable principles into a single “Standard for Social and Environmental Management Priorities” just for medium and small businesses. I think such work can be done within a year, if we attract the best experts from different industries.

Фото на обложке: Drazen_ /iStock
