“Not everyone is ready for a radical green transition yet”


Photo by: Segezha Group

It is important for our country not to slow down in the transition to a circular economy. The first steps in this direction have already been taken, including examples in our group of companies. For example, Segezha Group has switched to using sawmill by-products to produce biofuel in the form of pellets, and also uses bark and wood waste for its own energy consumption instead of fuel oil.

However, not everyone is ready for a radical “green” transition yet, many tend to operate in a business-as-usual manner, as such changes require investment. However, there are now additional incentives for companies to switch to a closed cycle.

The first is the restriction of access to equipment and goods, not only for large-scale manufacturing but also in the consumer sphere. This is likely to have an impact on consumer habits, leading to lengthening the useful life of goods, the resale of used items and the popularity of shoring services. For example, one of AFC’s assets, the marketplace Ozon, has announced the launch of an online classifieds service to sell used items.

The second is environmental risks, which require prompt solutions for waste management. Companies reduce the volume of waste throughout the entire production cycle: they abandon unnecessary packaging, recycle raw materials and so on. For example, Segezha Group offers the market new products and solutions, including Segezha Re-Kraft (consumer packaging using recycled materials) and biodegradable industrial bags with a barrier layer.

Cover photo: Segezha Group
