Photo by: 400tmax / iSock

Any disposable product is depraved, even if it is not made of plastic. In many ways, such things are tied to human psychology because they are made beautifully, but they also do direct damage to the environment. If you already have ribbons and wrapping paper, it makes sense to reuse them. The same goes for gift bags, which can be difficult to recycle.

Among environmentally responsible residents, it is generally considered churlish to bring a gift that the person did not ask for. It is a good courtesy to find out what the person needs first, as on dates such as New Year’s Eve, a huge number of gifts around the world are not used. People used to rejoice in the very fact of giving a gift as they had nothing, but this practice is now being reconsidered. It is much more useful to give an e-certificate with a subscription to an online cinema or library.

Cover photo: miniseries / iSock
