“People are willing to change habits if they see the benefits”


Photo by: xavierarnau / iStock

The pyramid of waste management principles suggests that greener ways are simultaneously more economically advantageous. Thus, every ruble invested in waste prevention will ultimately result in savings.

But in moving to the top of the hierarchy, it is important to explain to the public why this is being done. People are willing to change their habits, but only if they see that it is beneficial. For example, a significant number of citizens have taken the initiative to give up shopping bags in favour of shoppers. Another example is the battery collection system, which has been rolled out by activists across Russia. This practice has gained popularity and has even led to Megapolisresurs organising battery recycling on an industrial scale.

As for business, first of all it needs clear and comprehensible rules of the game, because in Russia changes are taking place all the time, and it cannot keep up with them. Penalties should be in place, but in addition to them, incentives are needed. For example, it could be tax breaks for companies that meet high environmental standards. But before introducing these measures, it is important to think through a plan for change, as often support instruments are introduced in isolation and do not work towards a common goal.

Cover photo: aldomurillo / iStock
