“People in Russia are willing to collect rubbish, but the process is not convenient”


Photo by: Ecological movement “Separate Collection”

One of the most popular waste management schemes among the general public and businesses is the collection of glass, plastic, metal and unused clothing at collection points. In Finland, citizens can bring pre-prepared waste to a large supermarket, drop it off and get money for it.

For businesses, such events are both a demonstration of social responsibility and an opportunity to resell quality sorted waste to recyclers. A neat and convenient solution for everyone.

According to public opinion polls over 80% of the respondents in Russia are ready to collect and sort waste, even clean it up after others and help the volunteers. A lot of Russians are environmentally conscious and take their waste for recycling. It’s just that the process is inconveniently organised and takes a lot of effort from people.

Business initiatives can help make the infrastructure for waste management convenient. But this requires solving the logistics problem.

Cover photo: Ecological movement “Separate Collection”
