“Business is hampered on the way to green production by difficulties of technology acсsess”

Дмитрий Аксаков

Photo by: Bim / iStock

Large businesses around the world are becoming aware of the physical risks to their operations from climate change. They are also facing increased demands on the environmental performance of their products, both from the lending institutions that finance their production and from consumers.

Faced with these pressures, companies are feeling the need to improve their production processes. However, eco-friendly production technologies are not yet as mature and proven worldwide, so their implementation in many cases requires very large and not always cost-effective investments.

For example, low-carbon air travel is still based on experimental technologies and is very expensive to implement.

At the same time, there is no problem with financing green technologies in Russia at the moment, but due to external restrictions, access to innovation is limited. Therefore, in my view, the main obstacle for business on the way to green production is the difficult access to technology.

Nevertheless, it is a pleasant surprise that our country has many of its own developments — I was convinced of this when I talked to enthusiastic Russian companies.

Moreover, some of these developments are among the best in the world in their categories. One such development is filters for deep cleaning of industrial wastewater. The resulting water has properties close to drinking water.

Cover photo: Max Zolotukhin / iStock
