Photo by: Nordroden / iStock

The most desirable goal is to prevent the generation of those wastes that have no chance of returning to the production process. The aim of reducing the amount of waste generated in general is already gradually being realised. Previously, the sludge dumps of some steelworks contained useful inclusions the size of an adult woman’s fist, but today we are talking about dust. Nowadays, we are talking about dust.

Businesses understand that instead of developing the deposits, they can make the most of the recycled materials and the products made from them, or rather the waste from their use.

Whereas technology used to be expensive and not everyone could afford it, now that it has become more affordable, such investment can be recouped. This means that there is a gradual move away from a linear economy, where the end point of every resource used was a landfill, towards a circular economy.

Cover photo: Adennysyahputra / iStock
