“Only those who don’t know the inner work criticise our car industry and aviation”

Дмитрий Ярцев

Photo by: VK / LADA

Russia has traditional quality leaders, such as the nuclear industry, metallurgy, the pharmaceutical and food industries, and IT developers. Auto and aircraft manufacturers are worthy of encouragement — they have complex multi-component products with high safety requirements. They have to meet the daunting challenges of producing relatively inexpensive, reliable, competitive and easy to repair products.

Many people criticise the achievements of Russian manufacturers in these industries — especially those who have not worked as engineers or manufacturers themselves. But those who know the inner workings of the aviation and automotive industries are more inclined to admire how, in general, our manufacturers manage to produce anything, given the complexity of the current situation and the intense competition. There is a lot to learn from these industries. For example, how to work in a crisis: lean production methods, managing suppliers and of suppliers and logistics, and so on.

Cover photo: VK / LADA
