Photo by: DKart / iStock

The prestige of the profession can indeed be raised by engaging interested young people in propaganda and raising them to be meteorologists who will show the romance of the profession, its pros and cons. But this is not an easy task. I recently held a competition among students of specialized universities. Only a few took part, because young people lack motivation and interest. Meanwhile, the climate and weather phenomena can be shown in a very interesting way. There is the blogger Kirill Konkin. He rides a shabby bike into thunderstorms and shows a lightning cell — its conception and movement. It’s dangerous, but very spectacular.

We are now working on getting enterprising blogger guys attached to Roshydromet staff at meteorological stations to talk about the work of the stations and observatories. Morning forecaster and meteorologist, their life, their problems. We will launch this project soon.

Cover photo: JFsPic / iStock
