“The transition to a circular economy is a task for many years to come”


Photo by: andresr / iStock

The transition to a circular economy is undoubtedly necessary and extremely important. However, it is not a one-, two- or even five-year task. Back in 2017, a number of international and Russian companies were announcing steps to promote the circular economy, particularly in the area of packaging waste management. However, today we can see that, while the efforts of business are not in vain and the number of infrastructure projects in this area is growing, this is not progressing enough to say that Russia has already fully transitioned to a closed-cycle economy.

If we talk about the packaging production segment, businesses have a great responsibility in terms of joining forces and creating examples of the so-called “repeatable” model, which can be implemented not only at the level of one company, but can also be replicated at the level of other regions and the entire country.

Cover photo: Сергей Бобылев / ТАСС
