“Transition to sustainable development will remain relevant even in the face of sanctions”


Photo by: Bim / iStock

Sanctions against our country against the backdrop of a special military operation may only affect the timing of the transition to sustainable development, as a huge number of supply chains have been affected because of them.

But the task itself will remain relevant, as business sees it as economically attractive. Simply because of the closure of some already miscalculated development options and the search for others, deadlines for introducing new technologies and re-equipping existing enterprises, for commissioning projected infrastructure facilities will have to be shifted. It is also necessary to find new suppliers of raw materials that meet the requirements of sustainable production.

On the other hand, delaying the introduction of cutting-edge technology can sometimes even be beneficial. In some cases, you have to learn from someone else’s experience first and then adopt it. This allows you to better see what you want and how you can get it. For example, European countries took much longer to switch over to bankcards than Russia, although they started doing it much earlier.

Similarly, a number of Russian enterprises, guided by foreign experience, have carried out technical re-equipment. This made it possible to maximise the use of virgin materials to reduce waste production, produce products with higher added value and lower costs, including for production maintenance (ecology, health and safety, etc.).

Cover photo: Portra / iStock
