“Russia’s regions vary greatly in the level of development of the eco-movement”


Photo: CF “Mercy”

The most eco-advanced people live in Moscow and St. Petersburg. This is due to the large number of inhabitants in these regions compared to the rest — 15 and 5 million people respectively. In addition, both capitals have more developed infrastructure, host more eco-events than other cities in the country, and feel the influence of Western trends more strongly.

However, there are people practicing eco-friendly lifestyles in every region, and it is rather difficult to compare them among themselves. For example, in Udmurtia, Saratov and Novosibirsk the eco-movement is quite developed, so many interesting projects are implemented there too. But I have not heard much about eco-initiatives in Kursk and Tomsk — the eco-movement is still embryonic there.

In Moscow, natural areas have become the centres of eco-movement: eco-trails have been laid on the Vorobyovy Gory, eco-event in Gorky Park are regularly held. Undoubtedly, the number of environmental initiatives, actions and locations for them in the capital is much greater than in other cities.

Cover photo: BlackSalmon / iStock
