“Business repression can only play a demonstrative role”


Photo from: State Duma of the Russian Federation

Repressive measures have an impact on business, of course. But it is more of an emotional one. If Ivanov feels bad, Sidorov feels extraordinarily good, because a place in the sun has been made available to him. In addition, the fine for Ivanov will not encourage Sidorov to be a decent person. He will simply remember where Sidorov went wrong, and will try not to do it by any means, and not always the one he would like to see, especially as there are not many mechanisms for detection of violations, and only single cases are fined, despite the seemingly large amount of feedback.

That being said, you certainly need to show that there is a stick, because otherwise there will be no response. But there has to be something else besides the stick. If a child who gets a “D” in any way is not supported with a kind word and not encouraged to correct it, he will gradually get used to being punished and will stop reacting.

It’s the same with business. If someone is constantly shouting, “You’re facing a multi-million dollar fine!” or “Your business is finished!”, it’s only scary to hear it for the first time. As a result, everyone is looking for a way to survive the constant threats rather than to solve the problem that leads to them, especially since control and oversight activities are prohibited under sanctions.

Repression can only play a demonstrative role, demonstrating what is wrong and how it should be done. And if everyone is punished, but no one has understood how to do the right thing, or, on the contrary, when everyone knows that there is simply no chance of doing the right thing, no sanction will work.

For example, all waste that has a value is sold, even though it is a breach of record keeping, and far from one million roubles. Enterprises are aware of this, but continue to take advantage of it, because very few people are penalized. It is therefore easier to risk getting caught in the moment than to make strange gestures that result in additional costs.

Positive business motivation is much more effective. A kind word to the cat. Especially if it is not just praise from the state with a certificate and a photo in front of a district administration sign, but if it encourages other companies and the public to cooperate with businesses that work for socially important purposes.

Cover photo: shapecharge / iStock
