“No crisis will cancel local environmental and climate challenges”


Photo by: DedMityay / iStock

Sanctions against Russia will certainly have an impact on environmental and social objectives. At the moment, global environmental and climate issues are temporarily on the back burner because companies have many other things on their minds. No one has cancelled local problems, though. And projects such as planting forests, reclamation of soils, fish stocking rivers, for example, are continuing insofar as they have an impact on business sustainability. This is the first thing.

Secondly, it is not yet clear to everyone what will be the main driver of the ESG agenda after the departure of foreign investors, who regularly questioned companies and checked sustainability indicators. The financial sector and regulatory changes are likely to play a major role.

Thirdly, companies have become restricted in their access to foreign green technologies, programmes and innovative equipment. Therefore, companies are forced to look for analogues in the domestic and Asian markets.

On the other hand, for domestic equipment manufacturers and software developers, this will be an opportunity to occupy the vacated niches.

Our portfolio includes such high-tech companies as MTS and Sitronics Group, whose technological solutions are already becoming a worthy alternative to imported ones. In addition, portfolio companies are launching accelerators to look for projects in healthcare, education, agriculture and green energy.

Cover photo: VladGans / iStock
