Photo by: Vladimir Smirnov / TASS

Severstal is continuously exploring and evaluating low-carbon hydrogen production technologies that can be used to make steel. One of the most promising areas for our country is methane pyrolysis, an economically viable way to produce hydrogen from natural gas with low CO2 emissions.

Severstal Ventures, a corporate venture fund, is considering investments in methane pyrolysis technology companies and Severstal experts are working with research and production companies to establish and assess the feasibility of building pilot units at the company’s assets.

"Severstal is considering the application of carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies. Together with a major player on the Russian market, we are searching for suitable geological formations for these purposes and studying their potential capacity. The company is interested in identifying and developing domestic CO2 capture technologies and developing engineering competencies in this area.

In cooperation with leading metallurgical equipment manufacturers, Severstal is also investigating ways to inject hydrogen into existing blast furnaces to reduce the carbon footprint of existing operations.

While maintaining the blast furnace — converter steelmaking process chain, the reduction of CO2 emissions will be achieved through decreasing specific consumption of solid carbon fuel in iron smelting.

The main directions of technology development are increasing the mass fraction of iron in the blast furnace charge; improving the quality characteristics of coke; improving the quality characteristics of iron-ore materials; development of the most effective technological parameters of blast furnace smelting.

Cover photo: Sergey Karpukhin / TASS
