“Countries in the East are thinking more and more about the environment”


Photo by: aphotostory / iStock

In recent years, China’s environmental requirements have become very stringent. For the country’s leaders, tackling air pollution is one of their key objectives. Therefore, the authorities will be tightening their monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and harmful substances in the atmosphere, including taking into account the carbon and environmental footprint of products left not only by local manufacturers but also by foreign suppliers. Accordingly, they will impose higher requirements on imported products, including those from Russia.

I suspect that the situation will be similar in India and in the countries of South-East Asia, not to mention the developed countries of Europe, Asia and America. This means that Russian suppliers will have to seriously consider greening their production and obtaining certificates of compliance with international environmental standards, without which it will be impossible to remain in foreign markets.

Cover photo: Spondylolithesis / iStock
