Photo by: Vadim_Nefedov / iStock

One of the most serious physical risks for our country in terms of climate change is the melting of permafrost: roads and all existing infrastructure in the Arctic are at risk of collapse. In addition, melting permafrost releases large amounts of methane and carbon dioxide, which exacerbates the greenhouse effect and accelerates global warming.

In addition to physical risks, there are also risks of the so-called “green transition” — a global trend towards stricter environmental performance requirements for products that are in place worldwide. In order for Russian products to remain competitive in foreign markets, they must comply with international standards. This requires modernisation of existing production facilities and construction of new ones in line with the latest environmental requirements.

The risks of transition are already affecting us now: the environmental performance requirements of international partners are becoming more stringent every year. The permafrost melt process will stretch over decades, and over time the physical risks will also become increasingly obvious.

Cover photo: Annie Spratt / Unsplash
