“Carbon intensity becomes a factor of competitiveness within Russia”


Photo from: official website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Carbon regulation is an important argument in terms of business competitiveness in today’s world. And the carbon footprint of a product is directly related to its energy intensity. After all, the more hydrocarbons used for production at all stages, the higher it is.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is forced both by foreign markets (and this applies to exporters) and by the emerging Russian carbon regulation. Since January 2023, there is a requirement for carbon reporting for companies whose carbon footprint exceeds 150 thousand tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year, i.e. it should at least be monitored.

So far only the Sakhalin Climate Experiment has carbon quotas in Russia, and it is voluntary for other non-exporting enterprises, but carbon intensity is gradually becoming a factor of competitiveness within Russia as well.

Cover photo: Placebo365 / iStock
