“Sustainability will help Russian companies stay in international markets”


Photo: Gazprom Transgaz Saratov LLC

Sustainable business practices, as research shows, increase profitability in the long term. This is proven by the example of many major Russian and Western companies that have long been committed to sustainability and have now established best practices.

Sustainable practices allow for the attraction of top-quality human resources and remove the risk of environmental and other penalties. Moreover, one of the most forceful practices currently being highlighted by ratings and investors is the cascading of sustainability requirements down the supply chain.

Thus, even if sustainability requirements are temporarily set aside in Russia in light of the geopolitical situation, potential customers in Asia, the Middle East, South America will continue to receive such requirements from their customers in Western countries and will be required to cascade them down the supply chain, including potentially to their Russian suppliers.

Therefore, in the medium term, implementing sustainability practices will help Russian companies to remain competitive in international markets.

Cover photo: Gazprom Transgaz Saratov LLC
