“In Russia, Rosstat analyses sustainable development indicators”


Photo: X5 Group

The concept of sustainable development is quite solid, having been formally recognised as far back as 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. But for a long time this strategy was mainly a socio-environmental one. Its emphasis was that it was good to conserve nature, to feed and water the poor, and to give them an education.

An important stepping stone was 2015, when humanity adopted the Sustainable Development Goals. It is a three-tiered system, with 17 global goals at the top, which are revealed through specific targets, and then quantitative indicators. In the classical conception of sustainable development there are more than 230 of them.

In Russia, Rosstat analyses sustainable development indicators. There is a special platform on the website of the agency, which contains specific indicators of sustainable development goals in relation to our country.

Cover photo: X5 Group
