“The whole world is moving towards sustainable development, and Russia is no exception”


Photo by: Andrey Danilovich / iStock

The importance of sustainable development issues, even in the current difficult situation, remains. In the long term, this agenda is bound to return, perhaps in a slightly reformatted form. After all, climate change and environmental issues are not going anywhere. The whole world is following the same scenario, i.e. sustainable development. And Russia is no exception. Russia will have to deal with climate change issues, if not in the near future, then on the horizon of 5–10 years.

The same applies to the quality of corporate governance in companies, including those involved in exports. There is an opinion that the “green agenda” is imposed on us, first and foremost, by Europe. But this is not true. We can safely say that this agenda is also relevant in Asian markets. It is even tougher there than in the EU.

And for Russia, all these issues are relevant, because the climate in the country is changing, and in some regions even faster than the national and global average.

Cover photo: Eugene Nekrasov / iStock
