“Consumer choice should be as conscious as possible”


Photo by: Hispanolistic / iStock

It is a good idea to start by taking a look at your bin and seeing if there are any products whose waste products are in there that you can’t avoid. Where this is not possible, it makes sense to look for recyclable analogues or to minimise consumption in some way.

You should also analyse how you get around the city. The most economical option is public transport. Many people use them at the same time, which saves space on the road and avoids traffic jams. Another option is electric transport which allows you to centralise the exhaust. When planning leisure time with a car trip it is advisable to take hitchhikers to avoid a situation where everyone will be driving their own car.

There are a number of other small steps you can take. For example, in order to save resources, you should get water, gas and electricity meters so that you don’t have to pay the statutory rates. It also makes sense to switch to reusable clothes or stop buying bottled water and install a filter at home. It is important to remember that you always have a choice about how much and what to buy, and it should be as informed as possible.

Cover photo: Kandl / iStock
