Sakhalin plans to become climate neutral in 2025

Achieving carbon neutrality no later than the end of 2025 is an ambitious goal stated in the Sakhalin Region greenhouse gas emission limitation experiment programme.

The experiment has already started in the region from 1 September 2022. The programme itself is undergoing public discussion until 28 October, after which it will be finally approved. This project is a pilot and will allow the resulting experience to be rolled out to other regions of Russia.

“For three years, we have been making an inventory and collecting data together with the Yuri Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology. It made it possible to calculate the carbon balance. This made it possible to calculate the carbon balance and set a target to reduce CO2 emissions by 2 million tonnes by the end of 2025, which will lead to a carbon neutral region,” said Milena Milich, Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the Sakhalin Oblast, during the Climate Dialogues on October 18.

The region has been chosen for this experiment for a reason: the ecologically diverse climate and vast forests on the one hand, and the highly developed fuel and energy complex on the other, which is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions (over 90%).

The programme includes emissions quotas for companies that emit more than 20,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. There are 50 such companies in the region, all of which are listed by name in the programme.

In addition to quotas, the climate experiment on Sakhalin is planned to be implemented through additional measures, such as:

  • gasification of the region with local natural gas;
  • conversion of transport to NGV and hydrogen fuel;
  • development of electric transport and RES in general;
  • sustainable management of natural ecosystems (forest and marine);
  • development of a waste management system;
  • introduction of a carbon trading system.

“This extensive climate programme will ultimately allow us to improve the quality of life for ordinary citizens who want to breathe clean air, live on clean land with clean water, in a city without rubbish and unauthorised dumps. All of this will make life in the region more comfortable,” said Milich.

Cover photo: Sergei Dubrovskii / iStock

