Climate platform project was presented in Moscow

Photo by: wasan prunglampoo / iStock

The Climate Dialogues forum organised under the auspices of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow was held in Moscow. For two days, on 18–19 October, leading environmental experts, government and scientific community representatives discussed and made presentations in online and offline formats on greenhouse gas emission reduction, greening transport, households, green construction, and other issues.

Among other things, there was a presentation of the Moscow Government’s Climate Platform project. The new project is a kind of social network where Russian and international experts can share their research, ideas, publish analytical and scientific articles, and discuss the results of scientific research.

According to Eugenia Semutnikova, deputy head of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Moscow, the most current topics “related to climate change, adaptation to it, as well as greenhouse gas emissions reduction, ‘green’ construction, industrial upgrading, energy efficiency, will be widely discussed here”. Any expert can become an expert on the platform if he or she registers and specifies the range of his or her scientific interests.

It is noteworthy that both climate experts and any interested person can register on the Climate Platform. The climate platform is a platform where people of different backgrounds can participate in discussions, ask questions and get answers to them.

Svetlana Bik, head of the expert and analytical platform ‘Infrastructure and Finance for Sustainable Development’, consultant on sustainable development and ESG-transformation of companies, explained: "I have no problem with expressing my expert opinion. I run my own blog and channel, it’s important for me to move towards unification. People who think together about good things join everyone else in that. The feeling of being united with like-minded people gives a great perspective. Moscow’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection is a fantastic partner that allows each expert to contribute to a positive picture of the world.

It is worth noting that the Climate Platform allows topical topics to be discussed all year round, while the Climate Dialogues forum of the same focus lasts only two days.

Anastasia Popova, President of the League of Green Brands and CEO and founder of +1 Sustainability Services Ecosystem, says that the Climate Platform is currently bilingual, but that soon it will be available in Russian and English, and possibly also in Chinese.

Cover photo: Mikhail Starodubov / Фотобанк Лори

