In the Tver region, preschoolers will be taught how to sort garbage using board games

In kindergartens in the Tver region, kindergarten students will be taught how to sort garbage using a board game. This was reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the regional government.

The game “Sorting garbage” is designed for children of six or seven years old and is a magnetic field in the form of tanks for various types of waste, as well as magnets with images of various garbage. Children will have to correctly identify the type of waste and send it to the correct container.

As specified in the regional government, the kits will be purchased for 627 groups of preschool educational institutions in the region. Classes will start in the new academic year.

In addition, in the fall, eco-corners with play complexes will be formed in the older groups of kindergartens, also designed to teach separate waste collection.

Representatives of the regional government noted that the initiative will open a new area of ​​environmental education in the Tver region.

By the way, the practice of educating the younger generation in the positions of caring for nature and caring for the environment exists in many countries of the world. Scandinavian countries and Finland were among the first to introduce such standards of education in kindergartens.

The Finnish city of Lahti has been recognized as the “Green Capital of Europe 2021”, as it is believed, largely due to teaching children from an early age to an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

“It is necessary to start environmental propaganda in childhood, when children are especially susceptible. This forms an emotional background and environmental responsibility. It has been repeatedly observed that children go home and teach their parents environmental values: “You don’t put your garbage in the right place!”, “Turn off the lights!”, said Josefina Marola, director of the Kanervan päiväkoti kindergarten in Lahti.

Now in a kindergarten in Lahti, each group has buckets for separate waste collection. Since not all children can read yet, the containers differ in color. For paper — a white bucket, energy waste — green, and for municipal solid waste — red. In addition, educators often walk with children in the forest, build birdhouses, plant flowers and potatoes.

“The children we have released are environmentally literate, know how to sort waste, respect people, nature, animals and are adequate members of society,” the director of the kindergarten emphasized.

New games that have appeared in kindergartens in the Tver region will become another step in the formation of an environmentally literate Russian society of the future. At the same time, it is worth noting that teaching children to take care of nature began in the USSR 70 years ago by showing children’s cartoons on the relevant topics. For example, the 1949 cartoon “The Tale of the Old Oak”, which tells about the relationship of individual components of ecosystems. In 1974, the movie fairy tale “The Tale of the White Ice” was released, which talks about the danger of pollution of nature by human waste.

Cover photo: vgajic / iStock

