“The less MSW there is, the easier it will be for each of us to reduce our carbon footprint”

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Photo: iStock

Some people can afford to switch to an electric car. But the reduction in carbon footprint from using an electric car is incomparably small compared to the carbon footprint of producing it.

To produce something environmentally friendly, you have to spend fossil fuels, burn them, get energy, use the energy in production, produce this very environmentally friendly Tesla, so you don’t waste fossil fuels, but waste electricity. But the question arises, and how is that electricity generated, using what kind of fuel?

At a basic level, each of us can of course, for example, use our cars less and walk more in the park, as trivial as that sounds. Can share waste, consume less. If we take the waste management hierarchy, reducing waste generation is at the top of the list. If we consume less, we will therefore emit less. Mindful consumption.

This will reduce the carbon footprint of all of us, as ordinary citizens. The less Decommissioning of waste, which should be reduced in a closed-loop economy, the easier it will be to reduce our carbon footprint. A beautiful picture that has been implemented somewhere, why can’t it be here? It can.

Cover photo: iStock
