“Redundant reporting barriers hamper the development of the EPR mechanism”

Ростислав Баскаков

Photo: iStock

The EPR mechanism is still weak in Russia, because the rates that exist today are usually lower than the cost of the secondary resource — that very plastic, for example.

And the second thing is that there is a lot of overlap between all sorts of norms and regulations, which prevents an investor who wants to work freely under the EPR mechanism from doing so. For example, alternative solid fuels consist of plastic, wood, textiles, paper, cardboard and rubber. All of these fractions are on the EPR list, and the producer either has to pay an environmental fee for them or pay to dispose of them.

In order for an alternative fuel producer to interact under the EPR mechanism and receive compensation for alternative fuel production, they must prove that the fuel contains a certain amount of a particular fraction, reporting in percentages and grams.

If we have produced fuel, it is 35%—50% MSW, but we need to submit reports in order to get compensation for fractions. Another challenge, a barrier to be dealt with.

It is impossible to record all fractions with optics or other sensors in 24/7 mode. But it is necessary to report back. This is one example of why the EPR is weak in Russia.

Cover photo: iStock
