Photo by: Andrey Gordeev / TASS

The biggest climate challenge right now is the energy crisis. It has become a stress test of the climate agenda that the global community has been defining for years through the international negotiation process and individual initiatives from different countries.

The crisis will test whether the parties to the Paris Agreement will stick to what they have agreed to, regardless of energy prices, political differences or other circumstances.

The second challenge is food security. Agriculture has to adapt to climate change and become more resilient. New food production technologies need to be introduced in many regions and the financial world needs to be prepared to sponsor these changes.

The third challenge is the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the planet. Changes in familiar temperatures and weather patterns force humanity out of its comfort zone. And this process is always characterised by reduced immunity and susceptibility to disease.

It is necessary to look at the problem comprehensively, because under the influence of man there is an imbalance of the climate mechanism in general, which leads to droughts, floods, forest fires and other unfavourable phenomena, which cause damage to all spheres of social life.

Cover photo: angel_nt / iStock
