“Any support for responsible business will be relevant”

Ирина Антюшина

Photo by: official website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

By now, many companies have already gone through a period of supply chain disruption (some more successfully, some less) and have taken all the basic steps to ’fix’ these chains.

Now we need to work on building up solutions and projects for reorienting supply chains. The state can invest in the creation and development of local solutions in this regard. I think the story related to subsidies for producers who implement the principles of sustainable development will be relevant. Easier access to tenders for public procurement could be introduced for such companies, and more favourable tax legislation could be created (e.g. in terms of transferring products for charitable purposes). Any measures to support socially responsible business would be relevant.

Cover photo: official website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
