“Small businesses should not compare themselves to the market giants when it comes to ESG”

Илья Зубков

Photo by: AnnaStills / iStock

It seems to many entrepreneurs that only somewhere far and high up there, ’big’ businesses can afford to reduce the negative impact on nature, or modernise production, or take account of CO2 emissions.

The task of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is precisely to motivate medium-sized businesses, and after them small businesses as well, to integrate ESG principles into their work. So that they are not afraid to take the first step and compare themselves not with the “atlantes” of the market, but with themselves yesterday. And to take into account the changes they themselves have been able to make in their organisation to produce a greener product and support human capital.

And if me and you only focus on someone else in our work, there will never be results. The focus of attention should be on what you personally (your company, your team and yourself) have achieved. Of course, there must be leaders — they are our state companies and big businesses. It is they who set the pace, who are examples of the transition to responsible production. But there is no need to chase them. Every business has its own way, including greening.

Cover photo: mgstudyo / iStock
