“The work of transitioning a country to a closed-cycle economy is not solved by a single law”

Илья Зубков

Photo: REO

Is Russia ready for the transition to a circular economy? This is a difficult question. You can never be ready for anything “for sure”. Especially when you consider rapid changes in external factors. Therefore it is important to understand that every action of both the individual and the state is based on an analysis of past experience. The main goal we keep in mind when talking about the circular economy is to reduce waste. And then there are the tools and techniques — how we achieve this. We try it — something works, something needs to be corrected, the next iteration... Transition is a process. It takes time. And it’s usually a path of trial and error.

It would be great if one regulation solved all problems, but it doesn’t happen that way. It requires consolidated efforts of many people, gradual actions and constant work. And the work is not only on the way “to the transition” to a closed-cycle economy, but also after we have made it. We will still have to continue the work — to improve, support, make it more efficient.

Cover photo: REO
