“Separate waste collection and eco-packaging are a ’well forgotten old thing’ for Russia”

Илья Зубков

Photo by: MStudioImages / iStock

To answer the question of how important the environmental agenda is for the sustainable development of regions, we must first of all point out that by such development we mean primarily economic development, the creation of infrastructural conditions for people to live and the preservation of ecosystems. These are very important tasks. The development of any region and the country as a whole has always been based on the need to improve economic and social indicators.

Attention to environmental issues did not arise yesterday. GOSTs, SNiPs, regulations, protected areas and Red Books are all part of our regular life. Yes, environmental issues have now become more popular, but rather because they are shaping new challenges and the need for active and rapid change. But many topics are not new to us. In terms of separate waste collection, for example, or the use of more ’environmentally friendly packaging’, which is much talked about now, it’s all very much the same old stuff in Russia.

Cover photo: Liudmila Chernetska / iStock
