“CO₂ has become the new unit of measurement for sustainability”

Илья Зубков

Photo by: UPictures / iStock

The first thing to remember is that a green economy does not equal decarbonisation. It is a huge layer of technological solutions, rethinking approaches to consumption, the use of secondary resources, improving the efficiency of resources used, changing consumer habits and the norms we are used to producing goods and services. And reducing our carbon footprint is only 10–15% of the big story. But it just so happens that “CO2” has become the new unit of measurement for sustainability.

The world of recent decades, with its economic, political and environmental challenges, is forcing us to transform. So yes — even in the face of sanctions and general geopolitical instability, we will be attentive to both taking care of our environment and reducing our carbon footprint. Today, many companies are already accounting for it and seeking to reduce or offset its negative impact on the environment. The other day, however, a group of international scientists published a paper arguing that CO2 is not that bad. It is an invitation to debate and further research into the problem, at the very least.

Cover photo: baona / iSock
