“Staff need to understand that their contribution to green agenda is valued and noticed”

Артем Ларин

Photo by: zoranm / iStock

I believe that every company should have a different approach to engaging employees on the climate agenda. Every business is unique and we cannot compare the approaches of, for example, financial institutions and agricultural enterprises.

The general principles can be as follows. First, you need to raise employees’ awareness of what areas the company is developing in the environmental agenda and what it is focusing on. They need to know what the company’s objectives are, and how employees themselves can help to realise those objectives.

Secondly, a corporate competition may be held: the team or participant who proposes the best environmental initiative may receive funds for its implementation.

Thirdly, it is possible to declare eco-living as one of the company’s corporate values.

Fourthly, managers should set a personal example.

And fifthly and finally, green goals can be jointly set for the company, such as being ranked as one of the greenest companies or reducing its carbon footprint to a certain level.

Most importantly, employees must realise that their contribution is valued and noticed. Then it will bring them together and they will work as a team.

Cover photo: nd3000 / iStock
