“Chamber of Commerce and Industry supports green initiatives”

Илья Зубков

Photo from: JSC NovaWind

It is important to us that any entrepreneur in Russia who is ready to change and build their work in accordance with modern “green” approaches can do so and receive appropriate support and access to practices and technologies.

At the moment the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has several public formations — associations of entrepreneurs who consider industry-specific issues, share their experience, inspire by their positive example, and work out proposals and recommendations to the existing legal and regulatory acts. For example, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Committee for the Development of the Closed Loop Economy. It raises the issues of creating environmentally friendly packaging and transferring the responsibility for its disposal to the producer.

There is also the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Council for Sustainable Business Development, Corporate Social Responsibility and Volunteering. Its focus is on interaction between companies and people, support for social projects and workforce development. Similar committees start to appear in the regions.

Cover photo: JSC NovaWind
