
The Russian Arctic is warming much faster than other regions

Photo by: kanzilyou / iStock

The rate of temperature increase in all Arctic regions of Russia has been rising significantly over the past 30 years. For example, the rate of warming in Russia is 2.5 times higher than the global average, and 3.7 times higher in the Russian Arctic zone, Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources Sergey Anoprienko said at the UN climate summit COP27.

Temperatures in the country’s Arctic regions have risen by more than 4 degrees in the past 30 years.

“Warming is inevitably accompanied by a reduction in the area of sea ice: according to long-term observations, the area occupied by sea ice has shrunk by more than three times over the past 10 years,” said Anoprienko.

However, it is impossible to stop climate change immediately, even if the entire world stops all production. As noted by the deputy head of the Ministry of Natural Resources, in Russia the potential economic damage from melting permafrost by 2050 is estimated to be at least 5 trillion rubles, that is more than $80 billion.

He also reminded that the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation has developed a law, according to which a state system of permafrost monitoring will be created in Russia.

“Next year, 30 pilot stations will be set up for monitoring, and in 2024 their number will be increased to 140,” Anoprienko added.

Recall that Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin recently approved a plan to improve the environment in the Arctic, which will result in reduced emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, as well as discharges into the sea and rivers.

Cover photo: surangaw / iStock



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