
Russia is developing technology to save the climate

Domestic scientists are working on global environmental problems, desertification and the conservation of biodiversity in the Arctic and Antarctic.

Photo: VKontakte / All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation

The All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation and Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) will create technologies to preserve our planet’s climate. An agreement on cooperation was signed by the acting rector of FEFU and the head of Vyacheslav Fetisov at the 7th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok, the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation press service said.

As part of the partnership, a representative office of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature will be established at FEFU. Far Eastern scientists will develop scientific, technological and innovative solutions for environmental safety, environmental protection and curbing global warming. Another area of work will be developing solutions to environmental problems such as desertification and preserving biodiversity in the Arctic, Antarctic and the oceans.

Boris Korobets, Acting Rector of FEFU, recalled that environmental pollution had become an acute problem which could not be ignored. Loss of biodiversity and carbon emissions affect people’s quality of life, so we need to create technologies to ensure biosphere and environmental security today.

The interim head of the university specified that the environmental programme of the university and the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation will focus on industrial and social ecology, carbon neutrality and biodiversity.

In addition, at the 7th Eastern Economic Forum, FEFU announced its intention to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. For this purpose, the university will switch to green energy. According to Boris Korobets, this will help students develop a responsible attitude towards global climate and environmental issues, TASS reported.

The Far Eastern Federal University has also opened the CarbonLife Climate and Environment Project Centre on the sidelines of the WEF, which should become a starting point for the development of a low-carbon industry in the Far East.

FEFU has previously launched CarbonLife, a climate and environmental project centre at WEF, to kick-start the development of a low-carbon industry in the Far East. FEFU is expected to test and implement advanced decarbonisation solutions on campus by 2030.

The CarbonLife Centre, opened at WEF, is expected to bring together with key FEFU partners from Russia and Asia-Pacific countries all current competencies in the creation and verification of carbon sequestration technologies and the development and peer review of climate projects. The centre will also become a developer of both carbon sequestration technologies and a licensed supplier of carbon units to the real economy.

Cover photo: Danil Lukyanov / Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute



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