“Let’s start with ourselves, maybe the temperature of the planet will go down”

Ростислав Баскаков

Photo: iStock

The biggest challenges for humanity right now are by no means climatic. But the most serious climate challenge is probably the anthropogenic impact. The most important challenge is the growth of the volume of MSW, the volume of non-recyclable industrial waste, and the accumulated environmental damage.

MSW represents only 10–15% of all waste. Much more waste is generated by the extractive and manufacturing industries, for example — millions of tonnes.

This is why we cannot solve the problem by rushing in and simply achieving high rates of waste recycling.

The littered Arctic is also a sore spot. We are responsible for the situation in this region. We are doing a lot but our efforts and actions are not enough so far.

Everyone used to talk about ozone holes, but now everyone is silent about it. Then there was talk about global warming... I don’t think it is vital that we focus on such “problems” now.

The issue of global warming is a question to which we have no answer and no solution. Perhaps it is not a question or a challenge, but an inevitable physical process of planet Earth. Remember what Filipp Filippovich said: Destruction is in the heads... Start with ourselves, maybe the temperature will drop.

Cover photo: iStock
