“Household arrangements in Russian homes are not helpful to separate waste collection”

Ростислав Баскаков

Photo by: Igor Podgorny / Greenpeace

The difficulties with separate waste collection in Russia, in my opinion, have to do with both the mentality and the lack of recycling capacity. In addition, the household arrangements in Russian households also play a role. If we imagine a place for accumulation of solid waste in our homes, I am sure that in 80% of flats the bucket is in the kitchen under the sink. In the best case scenario, there are two buckets.

Separate collection by fractions is not always possible at home, not to mention the fact that not all operators can now afford to transport separately collected waste. Process for the sake of process is not what it is all about.

Russia has processing facilities but so far only a few technological complexes for processing of secondary material resources are available and their capacity is insufficient. The construction of such complexes in Russia is supervised, among other things, by a public law company REO.

Cover photo: AnnaStills / iStock
